CBD (or Cannabidiol) is a natural plant substance found in hemp (or Cannabis Sativa L), belonging to the family of cannabinoid molecules. Cultivated on all continents for millennia, hemp is one of the oldest wild and cultivated plants on the planet. Among the hundreds of cannabinoids present in hemp, THC and CBD are the two most well-known molecules and also the most active on our bodies. Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive, meaning that consuming CBD does not produce any intoxicating or euphoric effects. CBD is therefore not considered a narcotic or toxic substance.
The human body has an endocannabinoid system that regulates some of our essential biological functions such as sleep, appetite, anxiety, mood, and physical pain. Cannabidiol has the ability to stimulate our CB1 and CB2 receptors connected to the nervous system. Consuming CBD may help our bodies better regulate these primary biological functions. In France and Europe, CBD can now be found in a multitude of formats: Capsules, Flowers, E-liquids (or Vapes), Oils, Oil Sprays, Pure Crystals, Cosmetics (creams, balms, gels, ...), as well as beverages (fresh or infusions) or candies (often called Gummies). There are also CBD oils and candies specially designed for pets (dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, horses) to help them cope with anxiety, stress, improve coat health, or reduce muscle pain.
CBD is an active molecule with many interesting properties for our metabolism, and it is commonly used in various industries, such as cosmetics, food, and medicine. Now, scientists and doctors all over the world are closely studying the many properties of CBD to better understand its therapeutic potential. The WHO (World Health Organization) has already attributed a long list of potential properties to it: Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antipsychotic, Antidepressant, Anxiety reduction, Decongestant, Nerve protection. (Source: WHO (2018). Critical Review Report on Cannabidiol (CBD). Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. Fortieth meeting. Geneva, 4-7 June 2018).
According to various recent scientific studies (such as the study conducted by WHO in 2018), Cannabidiol or CBD has many promising properties for medical research (pain reduction, anxiety reduction, cancer risk reduction, mood improvement, immune system support, metabolism balance, sleep disorder reduction, depression reduction, arthritis prevention, and treatment of certain skin diseases). These results need to be confirmed, and many researchers and laboratories continue to explore this still relatively unknown molecule in France to better understand it and exploit its properties.